Monday, October 24, 2011

A rage on conformity

They did call me an imprudent insolent, brassy renegade
when I defied to join the cobweb this society has made.
I shalt sing this to those destitute meek men who concede
to the burden of social dignity, status, how lame, dolt indeed!

They build their bon ton and then sell themselves to it,
they slay the perk of their heart, just so that they can fit.
In that vacuous inane insane world that they forged around
in the pretext of society, they can't hear their own sound.

They once told me " you need to learn to live in this world,
Follow the codes of conduct, you must look good to the crowd"
I wish I could jeer on their thoughts or burn it in flame
Oh logic, oh rationalism! Where are you? this mocking Shame!

Now tell me, what kind of men have hearts that don’t sing
And their minds that does not want to dance and swing?
They live like breathing corpses, just existing, without life
hath no choice, no judgment, just too quail to face the strife.

Their eyes hath no ardour, just passionate in aping the throng
with neither a confident elan nor precept of right and wrong.
And their thought don’t flow free like a downstream meander
It is stagnated! Consciously marred, left with no ability to ponder.

Oh, Irony! Alas, your art so fine, I always hear them preach -
how to live, but they need to learn it, before they try to teach.
And when, you defied to entangle in the cobweb they have made
Aye! they will call you an imprudent insolent, brassy renegade!

Oh, judgement!  judge the priorities of my life with your thought,
a vision through your own eyes, heed to what is your own sought.
Recreant girl, it might seem, but it is a maverick's way to wade!
So be it then, for dreams are not to be entombed and let to fade.


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